Consulting to franchisees, groups of franchisees, or associations
- leadership skills
- organizational matters
- strategy sessions
- crisis management
- engaging franchisees in advocacy (local, state, national)
- issue identification and education
- organizing meetings with legislators
- participating in the legislative process
Assist and lead franchisees with lobbying efforts on issues that impact franchisees.
- franchise specific legislation
- regulatory issues that impact franchisee businesses.
Speaking engagements to franchisee boards or franchisee meetings
- inspire franchisee engagement in the association
- how to positively impact change
I advance franchisee issues and causes and will unequivocally state that I am not what most people call a “franchise consultant”. In most cases, the job of these “consultants” is to sell franchises, to which they receive compensation from the franchisor, while claiming to represent the prospective franchisee. I am not involved with the selling of franchises.